Personal e-accounts
Opening an e-account just got easier via our updated, upgraded platform

Unique IBAN per account and per currency, with 24/7 access to funds.
Easy currency conversions at market exchange rates (including EUR, USD, GBP, AED, CHF, PLN, SEK, ILS, DKK, AUD, ZAR, CAD).
Local and cross-border incoming and outgoing payments in the fastest way possible, thanks to our membership of both SEPA and SWIFT.
Instant payments within the UK through CHAPS, BACS and Faster Payments.
Valuable support provided by your dedicated account manager to help you address any issues you may be facing.
Key features
Opening an e-account just got easier via our in-house onboarding module with dedicated dashboard, live status update, notifications and KYC uploading. The customer onboarding module allows any existing or potential customers to access their account and initially register as a user.
Multi-currency money management
With ECOMMBX, and thanks to our global partnerships, you can rest assured that your multi-currency payments and money management in general will benefit from better rates for cross-currency transfers.
Furthermore, to make sure you have a clear overview of all your payments and accounts, we’ve adopted the latest fintech with interactive screens that allow you to consolidate your transactional flow and generate all the reports and statements you need – in an instant.
At ECOMMBX we’ve integrated our own personal dealer room to help facilitate your foreign exchange transfers. With access granted directly through your Internet Banking channels, our Ecommverse. You can execute transfers with real-time (competitive) rates, at a click of a button.















Payments via our clearing houses
Thanks to our access to local clearing schemes around the world – either directly or via our partner banks – ECOMMBX facilitates cross-border payments in major currencies, efficiently and cost-effectively. If in doubt, give us a call to discuss your individual needs, so we can identify the ideal route for any cross-border, cross-currency payments.